Franz Joseph Glacier

Franz Joseph Glacier
Coolest Trek of the Trip

Thursday 13 December 2007

Bloggin' is for Dorks...

To all you newcomers out there, let me welcome you to the world of blogging. To all you haters out there, just try it, you might like it. I too, was one day a disbeliever. But I have Anna to thank for my change of heart. Her dad is the best blogger around. But who wouldn't be with a cute kid like that. So don't question the blog. If you want, just check it once in a while, Bre. If you want, check everyday. I don't really know how its going to work. But feel free to comment. I will try and add some entertainment- polls, pictures, music, maybe even a slideshow- I don't know. But the bottom line is... THE COUNTDOWN IS ON. 15 days.


Unknown said...

I love this post, mostly for the gratuitous promotion of, but I disagree whole-heartedly with the title, "Bloggin' is for Dorks...". Bloggin' is for cool kids and like the bumper sticker I have says "If you're not bloggin, you're not livin". OK, maybe I just made that bumper sticker up, but the point is, blogs are least I tell myself that as I spend hours each week writing posts, editing video and cropping photos. Actually...maybe you're right, I am a dork.

Anonymous said...

Blogging is for dorks, but we are all dorks. And I refuse to call it "Bloggin'" I have to???


Anonymous said...

4 more days of work!