I've restricted myself to 1 backpack for the 8 week trek. The last time I went on a trip with this 1 backpack, I was gone for 10 days and came home with a hammock strapped to the outside of it because it was busting at the seams with my treasures. I'm guessing the same will happen however, I have already made arrangements with my parents to accept all incoming packages, cases of wine, boomerangs and kangaroos freely. Hopefully this will lessen the load. I'm not the best packer but I am a great planner and organizer- one of the best. So, I'm kind of interested to see what in this pack was a good choice and what I could have done without. I also want to add that this has been a joint effort with the girls.
This horrendous picture of me was taken coming home from Costa Rica in 2004. The hammock was for my parents which we bartered for in a shady shack? I'm not sure if you call it bartering since it was all in Spanish and somehow we (my little sister and I) walked out of there with what we thought was a deal but very well could have been a rip off. Anyway the 10 day adventurous trip to Costa Rica is very close to what I am envisioning this trip to be like. So, my much more efficient packing skillz are being put to the test. Let's just hope I can find laundry. Oh and no chiggers :)
Here it is.. 16 pairs of unmentionables (is that enough?).. 3 pairs shorts, 10 tank tops, 6 t shirts, 3 sweaters, 6 dresses, 3 skirts, 1 romper, 5 bathing suits, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pr of Capri's, 1 rei windproof jacket, 1 rei rain proof jacket, 1 beach towel, 1 pair of trail runners, 1 pr of flips, 1 pr of dressy sandals, 1 pr of keen sandals, 1 pr of pj's, toiletries (including much appreciated travel teeth gear from my dentist- thanks!), 1 long sleeve, 1 fleece?, 1 fold away tote bag, 6 pairs of running socks, 1 pair of lounge/wo pants, books (travel and reading), pod (hopefully), camera, sox hat (need to find it), jewelry pack, make up pack, face towel, washcloth... i think that's it.. 1 week and counting.
i hope you dont throw out your back!!!
Can you seriously mail me a kangaroo? It doesn't have to be a big one or anything. Oh and can you tuck a boomerang into his pouch too.
you really have 5 bathing suits? I think you girls spend too much time shopping and/or lounging on the beach!
I am officially packed!!! Well almost, a few last minute things to add. I hope that my bag weighs less than 44 lbs. If not i will be throwing things out before i even get to the other side of the world. I am interested to see how i get through 5 weeks with this bag and what items actually make it home with me. Maris after this trip i think that we will be packing experts, which i think gives us the excuse to travel all the time!!
well i find it funny , five bathing suits, but only one pair of pj's??? ? i think u need 2 bathing suits and add in some unmentionables
i agree w/ anonymous... less swimsuits, more underwear!
have a great trip!
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