We were here from Monday to Wednesday so we are a little bit behind but this trip is worth writing about. We tooka trip on a boat, followed by a bus then a boat again out to Doubtful Sound in Fiordland. FOr those of you that don't know, a fior is a like a peninsula, except is the opposite becasue its the ocean jutting into the land. There are a bunch of fiords on the west coast of NZ, in what they call Fiorldalnd (go figure). Anyway, there was a debate whether to go to Milford SOund (more commercialized) or Doubtful. We made the decision to take a trek to Doubtful and we were not let down. We took a boat out into the waters of the sound surrounded by massive mountains. THe entire land surrounding us is completely untouched. It was massive and stunning and p0ure wilderness. At one point, the skipper turned the engines off and everyone was to remain silent. And everyone did and we all just stared at the mountains and listened to the water hit the boat and were completely over powered by the nature that surrounded us. If you are ever in New Zealand, it is a must do.
We were hoping to spot dolphins, seals, and penguins and only got a glimpse of one quick penguin and a sela basking on a rock. It got quite rough as we got close to the ocean entrance so we mostly treked around the fingers of the fiord. This is one of the pictures we are hoping to blow up and frame. Enjoy!
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