Friday, 15 February 2008
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
West Coast: LA

It was so great to be back in the USA. I left Auckland around 11:30 am on THursday and flew 3 hours to Fiji. I sat there for 6 hours then flew for 10 hours to LA. I arrived in LA at 1:30pm on Thursday. It was strange but so great to be in the US. I don't think Australia and NZ were that hard to navigate around in because of the language but there is just something about being home. And that is what it felt like as I landed and turned on my cell phone for the first time in 6 weeks.

Taupo Sunset
I can't say enough about this sunset so I tried to capture it in a video. I'm in Seattle now and getting a chance to dump some photos- stay tuned....
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Last Night in NZ
I headed up to Rotorua for 2 days after Taupo and spent a day blitzing the tourist attractions there. I did another geothermal park (really cool- pics to come) followed by a legitimate mud bath from the thermal springs (10 years younger kids) followed by a traditional Maori hangi or dinner and concert. The entire day was unreal but i was happy to leave the town the next morning. Because of all the volcanic activity, the entire town smells like Sulfur- not on my top 10 places to come back to, although definitely a must do.
After Roturua, it was up to the Bay of Islands to a town called Paihia. It was a beach town and in the sits on the beginning of many islands and tropical weather. I stayed a 5 star backpackers and this place was by far the best place I've stayed yet and for the same price. I ventured down to a beach bar and stumbled upon the best night of live music of the entire trip. (better than Nelson, jenn, and not weird) The coolest thing is that it started out with 3 guys and ended with 7. Apparently every Sunday night is jam night and locals just come and bring whatever instruments they play and just jam all night. It was alos supposively one of the best nights of the summer. I chatted with a groupy and she said I was lucky to have been there that night. Guitars, bongos, full drums, sax- it was really awesome. Everyone was in bare feet and it was really nice out and right near the beach. It was very cool.
The next day, i got to go out in search of dolphins. What we found was the most incredible trip yet- dolphins swimming everywhere. They would do jumps right in fron tof the boat, swim in and out of the waves- and there were probably 50 of them. We didn't get to swim with them becasue there were babies with them but the sight was pretty cool. We spent the rest of the day sailing and relaxing on the boat.
Tonight I'm in Auckland, just another city and I kind of feel like I'm in the US. I made to the top of the sky city tower and watched the sunset and now I'm heading up to fingure out how to pack for the plane tomorrow. I'm off to LA to visit relatives and I am really happy about all that has happened the past 6 weeks. The trip was the most amazing thing i have done ever and it almost makes me want to stay at Intel to get another sabbatical. For those who know me, understand what a huge statement that is.
Time is running out so I will have to post pics later. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading of our adventures. Its been fun to post and hear from those of you who have been following along. You need to all take time to travel. its great.
See you soon.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Taupo, NZ

After leaving Jenn, I ventured up North to a place called Taupo. In Taupo, there is a huge lake. It is the best trout fishing in all of NZ and this is also a place of adventure overload. You can skydive, parasail, golf, hike, go to natural hot springs and go on various fishing trips into the lake. It is a very beautiful place and I had 1.5 days here. I spent the evening of arrival exploring town and walking along the lake. I found a place that had gluten free pizza which was SO good and after a place that had gluten free chocolate cake. I really didn't need the cake but I need to explain that when I see these things, I usually feel compelled to buy them on the spot. Who knows when I will get this treat again and it is SO delicious. I got a GF muffin yesterday as well and it was amazing. Just to put it in persepctive, I haven't had a muffin in about 8 months. THe chocolate cake happens in Septemeber for my birthday so that was a little less thrilling but still good. Ok, it is harder with jenn not here so I occupy my excitement with littler things. Oh well.
That night I saw the best sunset I have seen, possibly ever.
The next day I think I walked a total of 5 hours and about 12km. I didn't have a car orr a bike and really wanted a workout. So I went up to the trailway and hiked the trail out to Huka Falls. After that I went to a place called Craters of the MOon. This was a trip- steam came out of the ground in various craters and holes and there were pools of bubbling mud. This is the start of the volcanic zone so that's what happens here. Weird. I actually met a French guy that walked the track with me. This made the adventure even more strange. He knew very little english and what he didn't know, I think I interpreted copmpletely wrong. THe tenses were all wrong but he, thankfully, just laughed at everything. I'm sure the experience was mutual. He gave me a ride down the hill on his bike and we parted. I continued on to make my way passed the falls again and at the bottom was a completely natural river runoff that was heated. So, picture a waterfall that empties into a pool that is like a natural hot tub. Amazing, especially after all that walking and hiking. I was exhausted.
Friday, 1 February 2008
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
I'm so sad that Jenn is leaving...
I am so glad that she got to spend this time here with me on my sabbatical. Looking back, I can't imagine doing this time away without friends. It made the trip that much more memorable. I think in years to come when we are settled with kids, we will be able to remember all the good times we had on this trip. I think we both are alured by the remoteness of New Zealand and look forward to telling others about it and possibly returning to further explore all that it has to offer here. I think we can both agree that of all the places we have been to over the past 5 weeks, we especially love Queenstown NZ. It has the small town character that we love but all that you would need in a city, it has glenorchy and Paradise only a drive away and most of all the Fergburger, which has been the best burger place of all. Queenstown is remote surrounded by wineries and immense natural beauty and if anything, we both agree it is a place that everyone that comes out here should visit.
I will update on the greatness of the north island and hopefully it will compare to what we have experienced. However, I don't know if anything ill compare to all that we have seen on the South Island and in Wellington. Go ALL BLACKS, GO PATS.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
The Marlborough Wine Trail
The next stop was Villa Maria wineries. This area is known for its Sauvignon Blancs, Pinot Gris, Pinto Noir and Chardonnay. All were amazing at every place we went and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Villa Maria was started by a guy at age 20 and he still owns it all and all its operations which is rare of this area. Most of the wineries we went to have been bought out by big companies.
My favorite by far was called Mahi wineries. They are fairly new but hand pick all their fruit and ferment indigenously which I don't fully understand but I think it means it might take longer. Their emblem is a snail ant they pride themselves on taking their time to produce quality wines- almost like works of art vs the high volume which can come of other bigger wineries. I admired that. And their pinot noir was amazing.
After 6 wineries via bike, I had accumulated 4 bottles of wine and jenn 1. We suddenly had to make a mad dash home to return the bikes and made it just in time. It was a blur to say the least after tasting over 30 wines. We made our way to the park and took a nap in the grass to finish off the sunny afternoon. If there is one place I will come back to visit, it will most definitely be the Marlbourough Wine Trail. It was so beautiful and so much good wine to be had. I feel like we only touched the surface of what is there.
In any case, it was an amazing day and so much fun. Now I'm carrying around bottles of wine trying to figure out how to fit them in my pack. Its great.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Franz Joseph Glacier

Throughout the day, we kept commenting on how it was one of the coolest expereinces we had ever done. We have hiked a bunch through various parts of NZ but being on the ice was just absolutely crazy. It is actually progressing forward each year about 10 m!! They get so much snowfall, that it doesn't account for the melt and as a result the ice actuallly progresses forward each year for the past 10 years. Its really crazy.
We were exhausted from the adventure and basically called it a night after getting some nachos that night and a couple drinks. The sunset was cool and we were also able to enjoy some more scenery on our final drive with the van to greymouth. What a great trip with the van.
Friday, 25 January 2008
Doubtful Sound

Thursday, 24 January 2008
The Van
Back to the van. So we arrived in this great place exhausted! We had hiked for 7 hours that day (post to come) inlcuding the last hour carrying some random person's 15KG pack!! Anyway, needless to say we were tired however, Wanaka was hopping. We parked in the parking lot in front of the lake (across the street from the strip of bars) and called it a night. We were so sad that we couldn't go out but we had just driven 3 hours after 7 hours of hiking uphill and we are old. So, we decide to sleep in the van in the parking lot. The only signage said that we couldn't park on the grass and camp. Well, that's how we interpreted the sign. We stayed off the grass and went to bed.
A short time later, it was freezing and there was a party happening outside our window including a girl with a guitar on the picnic table singing. She was so loud- I thought Jewell was outside our window singing to us. It was ridiculous. So I shut the sunroof. Thank GOD. Because, several hours later, after tossing and turning to generate some body heat, the sprinkler system went off. We were fairly close to the heads and it felt like someone was power washing the van. Jenn was quoted saying she "was worried the paint was getting chipped". She sat up, startled and obviously concerned for the van. Then, she turns to find a big burly man knocking on the window of a van near us. (side note- people slepp in vans everywhere as long as there is no sign to say you can't, then its legal and very common) The next thing we know, there is a big loud knock on our window. He yells "security" and Jenn proceeds to jump into the front seat to turn on the car to power down the window to see what he wants. Apparently no camping on the grass means that you can't even park in that lot overnight. He told us we had to move and that the Queenstown police were hot on his tail and were going to fine us if they caught us there. It was 5:45am. Another side note is that we have been driving through this country for the past 6 days, covered alomost 1500 km and have yet to see a cop anywhere. And Queenstown was 2 hrs away from here. Regardless, we headed out of the area to find another spot to crash for a couple hours.
Jenn hit a bunny. There are rabbits everywhere out in this part that we really didn't notice until it got dark out and then they were all over the sides of the road. After the bunny incident, we pulled off on a side area to sleep for the next 3 hours. It gets roasting hot when the sun comes out so we have figured out that our optimal sleeping happens between 6am-9am. We are also good about 10pm-midnight. Ok, this story is almost over... So we awake to the beautiful sunshine, no cops, no burly men. We are ready to start driving up to our destination when we realize that the lights were left on. MARISSA left the lights on after the morning incident and the van was dead. Luckily, Jenn was able to flag down the post office lady who phoned Mike's Garage who came to jump the van. So don't worry, the VAN is ok and so are we.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Minus 5 Bar

Saturday, 19 January 2008
We have made it to New Zealand- the land of the KIWIS

Friday, 18 January 2008
We are not in the Tropics anymore!

Amy and I made it back to the lovely cold, rainy/snowy NYC after 31 hours of travel. The trip overall went smoothly. What an amazing adventure these past 3 weeks have been. We are sad to see it to an end, but are greatful we were able to have had this experience with good friends. We miss you ladies so much already, have a great time in the land of Kiwi! Keep on blogging. Our plan is to upload our pics for your entertainment asap! Cheers !
Thursday, 17 January 2008
What a way to end the Aussie experience!
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
We dove the Great Barrier Reef today
Final Stop- Cairns
Long Island Resort- Whitsunday Islands
Adventures in Sailing
That night we partied the night away safely docked in calm seas with a mild temperature of close to 95 degrees F. But wait- next is the part of how we slept on this 76ft old racing yacht. We drank enough from the eskys to make the accomodations look luxurious and then awoke to skipper saying "waky waky" as drool and sweat pooled around us. There was nothing else to do at 6:30am but to get up and enjoy the views. ALL TOTALLY WORTH IT. Valiant attempts were made by Amy and Shelly (jenn as well but had a towel incident) to sleep on the deck itself, but rainstorms halted this and forced them inside to the sweaty bunks. Please note, jenn and marissa shared one sweaty bunk- BOTH nights.
The day consisted of breakfast and 2 different snorkel sites. It was our first chance to check out the reef up close while wearing the very sexy full body stinger suits made of lycra. photos to come. The highlights included ( others in sexy stinger suits) huge jelly fish, turtles, cool fish, awesome coral and lots of lycra. We sailed on to the lookout over the famous whitehaven beach (look it up) which was breathtaking. We hiked back down and docked for our second night at the famous beach where we all looked like aliens swimming and playing beach rugby in our lycra. We are still not sure if this is a ploy to identify tourists. The crew delivered us nachos on the beach via dingy and we spent the afternoon nashing.
The last night consisted of steak dinner and some people (JENN and MICHELLE) opted to participate in super soaker TWISTER on board the ship. pictures again to follow. After lots of seawater in the face, they settled on victory. We then watched fish jumping beside the boat, turtles eating jelly fish and the sunset. The stars in this area were amazing and we all layed on the edge again looking for the big dipper but then got confused due to the southern hemisphere factor. Again, we all ventured to the bunks to sweat and sleep and Amy and Shelly slept on the deck beside jumping fish.
We awoke again to "waky waky" and pouring rain and zero wind to sail. We donned the yellow Gordan Fisherman raincoats and proceeded to witness the perfect storm aboard the Sexy Broomstick back to the Long Island resort (look it up). FOr a brief hot second, we hit wind- strong wind- and we were so happy that this only lasted for like 15 minutes. We had experienced sailing at its best. And, finished off the trip with sun, a great lunch, and a motorized and personal dropoff at the Long Island Resort where our next adventures began.
Friday, 11 January 2008
Aussie Slang that we have learned...
Bottle-O = liquor store
Bottle Shop = wine store
King Brown = 40 oz
Stubby = bottle of beer
Sunnies = sunglasses
Singlet = tank top
Jumper = sweatshirt
Thong = flip flops
Pashing = making out
Pick up = hook up
Ute = el camino
Rock Melon = cantaloupe
Cutlery = silverware
Bloke = boy
Sheila = girl
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
What have we been up to...
The sand in the lake is good fro exfoliation, washing and conditioning your hair as well as a sort of lake of youth. It is said that swimming in the lake takes 10 years off your life. So we are now 19!!!
woo hooooooo.
We also took a walk into the rainforest of the island which was really beautiful. THe forest was really green but is supposed to be a temperate forest so the ground was covered with pine needles and brown leaves compared to green moss like we saw in Costa Rica. Very cool.
Today we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn!!! The weather has been cooperating and went up 10 degrees C today as we drove across. It is now hotter than hell. We are sweating and in the tropics there is no AC (CRAZY!!!). We are sorry for the compaining about rain.
Tonight we are eating crocodile!! We will post again later.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
We Finally Found the Roo's!!!

Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Happy New Year, Mates